Has Change Fatigue Set In?

Change has always been a constant in our lives. For example, technology has changed dramatically in the last few decades, and we have had to adapt. Some people find embracing change easier than others, who need more time to get their heads around it. When there are too many changes and too much uncertainty at […]

How to Rekindle Employee Engagement

After the 2020 pandemic, a few trends began to appear that resulted in labor shortages. Quiet quitting, the Great Resignation, or Bare Minimum Mondays stemmed mainly from a toxic corporate culture, job insecurity, and lack of recognition. Besides, many people experienced burnout working from home and needed a change, and there were those who refused […]

What Is Toxic Productivity?

Do you overcommit to projects? Do you get annoyed when your coworkers fail to reply to your late-night messages? Do you work 12-hour days no matter what? Do you usually skip the gym because you feel compelled to finish a report tonight that you know no one I going to read until the next day? […]

Neuromarketing: Tools and Pros and Cons

Have you ever wondered how marketers gain insights into the consumer’s, i.e., your, decision-making process when making a purchase? Wonder no more. The answer is that they use neuromarketing. This method, which is used to understand consumers, has some benefits although it has garnered some criticism as well. What Is Neuromarketing? Neuromarketing researches consumers’ responses […]

The positive impact of breathing on memory and emotions

“Breath is the bridge which connects life to consciousness, which unites your body to your thoughts. Whenever your mind becomes scattered, use your breath as the means to take hold of your mind again.” Thich Nhat Hanh, Buddhist monk, meditation teacher, & author Do you find yourself taking a deep breath before tackling a difficult task? […]

Conflict Resolution Tips

Despite several warnings, Bob from sales is always late with his reports and Tom from accounts can’t do his job until he has all the numbers. As a result, Tom is also late with his reports. He feels frustrated because he thinks this makes him look bad through no fault of his own. And he’s […]

Talent Management Fundamentals

When it comes to talent management, there is no one-size-fits-all solutions. Finding the right talent, getting them onboard, and helping them grow within the organization requires flexibility, ingenuity, and strategic thinking. Employees are the beating heart of a company, and looking after them has a positive  impact on organizational performance. “These days candidates are looking […]

Growth Hacking Fundamentals

Growth hacking is effective digital marketing which focuses on the rapid growth of a business. It is an efficient way to grow and scale your company’s client base. Growth hacking relies on creative, innovative, and inexpensive strategies. The goal here is to increase conversion rates and expand the user base. The focus of this approach […]

Why Is Being Bilingual a Good Thing?

bilingual bilingüe

The American journalist Flora Lewis famously said that “Learning another language is not only learning different words for the same things but learning another way to think about things.” When you speak more than one language, you see the world differently. The words that describe one object may have different nuances in other languages that […]

How to Be More Productive

The alarm goes off very early. You throw some clothes on and run to the gym for an early workout. Run back home, shower, breakfast. Go through today’s endless to-do list. You groan in despair. So much to do! And don’t forget your kids’ packed lunches. At least it is not your turn to carpool. […]