organizational culture

Unlocking the Secrets of Argentina’s Top Companies

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organizational culture

Recently, Apertura magazine published its annual ranking of Argentina’s best companies to work for. We are proud to share that we are suppliers to four of the top ten. According to a KPMG report, the main draw of these companies is their strong organizational culture.

A Strong Organizational Culture Is Key

An organizational culture with clearly defined values, norms, and beliefs influences the well-being of employees and the working environment. It also helps to attract and retain talent and improve the company’s profitability. In a strong organizational culture, there is a two-way trust flow between the company and the employees. The individual’s well-being is at the center of the company’s decisions, and, in turn, each person becomes an ambassador for the company’s values.

Undoubtedly, we live in an era of complementarity, whether between company members, teams, or companies. Each participant brings his or her knowledge and skills that complement the others to achieve synergy. In other words, they achieve more effective results together than if they acted individually.

On the other hand, organizational culture must be flexible enough to adapt to both market and social changes.

For example, the 2020 pandemic brought profound changes in the way we work. Except for a few areas, such as health and safety, work became mostly remote. The physical office as we know it underwent fundamental changes.

Today, these companies have flexible regimes, such as the work-from-anywhere concept, which allows employees to choose where in the world to work for 90 days, as well as the hybrid and on-site systems. The companies at the top of the ranking have adopted the idea of in-person with purpose. Instead of forcing employees to return to the office, they want them to choose to go because they find added value there.

Learning and Training Opportunities

The other front that demands flexibility is the changing market. To be able to respond in real-time and take advantage of new opportunities, the leaders of Argentina’s best companies to work for consider continuous learning as their best tool.

Providing training and learning opportunities helps increase productivity by 17% and talent retention (45% prefer to stay in their job if they have training opportunities), in addition, 92% of employees believe that learning on the job increases their commitment to the company.

Among these training opportunities are in-company English classes. Our clients hire our services because language training has a positive impact on the mental and physical health of employees and, therefore, on the business’s bottom line. Furthermore, companies that employ language management strategies are 44.5% more likely to have a positive impact on their profitability and global competitiveness.

In our classes, we integrate technology, industry-relevant content, and innovative methodologies through the use of various platforms and tools. We believe in collaboration and joint work between our clients and the areas that make up English Services, which allows us to be flexible and accompany companies in their growth.

Train your team in business English with us!

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