With AI, the Future of Learning Is Here!

inteligencia artificial

The future of learning is here with artificial intelligence! Using AI in language learning has many advantages, including accelerating learning and improving its outcome. However, technological advances will never replace the human touch but become an invaluable ally.  “AI is a tool. The choice about how it gets deployed is ours”. Oren Etzioni, a pioneer […]

Developing Good Study Habits

good study habits buenos hábitos de estudio

Learning a language as an adult can feel intimidating. But it should not be so, because methodologies like gamification make learning a new language fun and less daunting. Although fun helps, you must devise your learning path by developing good study habits. If we compare learning a language with building a house, habits are like […]

Implementing Incentive Policies for Language Learning

incentivos para el aprendizaje Incentive Policies

Undeniably, mastering a second language has many benefits in the workplace. Among the advantages are standing out in the recruiting process, the possibility of receiving promotions, greater responsibilities, and a better salary. On the other hand, having bilingual employees is advantageous for a company because it can expand its business internationally and increase its competitiveness […]

mLearning: Learn Wherever, Whenever

mleaRNING aprendizaje móvil

Did you know that 61.1% of smartphone users worldwide use their devices to watch videos? Indisputably, kittens and puppies are cute and brighten your day, but what if you could use the time it takes to watch a video to learn something new while on the go? Let’s look at mLearning.  Mobile Learning The mobile […]

Want to Learn? Make It Fun With Gamification!

gamification gamificación

Sometimes, we stop doing something because we find it dull. It happens to all of us! Take learning a new language, for example. Study verb conjugations by heart? Nah, boring. But what if we made it fun with elements of gamification? Fun can be a strong motivator that can change our behavior. All it takes […]

Team Building and Conflict Resolution Ideas

conflict resolution resolución de conflictos

Conflict in the workplace happens when coworkers have opposing needs or interests and other factors, like personality clashes or poor communication skills, come into play. When conflict is not addressed, it escalates and can cause a rift between team members and affect their performance. Even worse, unresolved conflicts end up creating a toxic work environment.   […]

The 4 Most In-Demand Soft Skills in 2024

soft skills habilidades blandas

There was a time when recruiters only looked at hard skills to select the best candidate for a position. However, there has been a shift. In today’s ever-evolving world, soft skills have become essential to navigate the challenges driven by new technologies like artificial intelligence and economic disruption.  However, AI cannot replace humans in tasks […]

Help Your Brain Learn Better

técnicas de estudio

The brain is one of the most complex parts of our body. Ongoing research on how it works has revealed some of its secrets, although scientists are working hard to discover more. We can apply some of that knowledge to the way we learn.  Here are a few techniques that will help you learn better […]

Learning and Sleep

sleep and learning sueño y aprendizaje

Cast your mind back to your college days. Did you pull all-nighters, only to be too tired to perform well the next day? When we are young, we believe we can do without sleep. However, we need a good night’s sleep to enable our brains to function effectively. Let’s talk about learning and sleep.  Sleep […]

Empathetic Leadership Basics

empathetic leadership liderazgo empático

Do you believe that empathy is a vital skill for leaders? If the answer is no, have a look at these statistics about empathetic leadership and think again: 61% of employees with empathetic leaders said that they were able to be innovative.  50% described their workplace as inclusive. 86% said they could juggle life and […]