clases de inglés

How to Juggle Online English Classes and Organizational Changes at Work

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One of the marvelous things about your job is that your company offers online English classes. How exciting! You can work hard and present meetings in English confidently, knowing that you have weekly language practice. Just when everything is going fine and you think you have a steady routine, everything changes. You get a new manager or you’ve been asked to change locations. Whatever the case, managing change at work when taking online English classes can affect your language growth.

No need to dwell. We’ll go over tips on managing change at work and maintaining your language growth.

What is Change Management and How Can Your Manager Help?

According to TechTarget, change management is a systematic approach to dealing with the transition or transformation of an organization’s goals, processes, or technologies. The purpose of change management is to implement strategies for effecting change, controlling change, and helping people to adapt to change.

There are various approaches to change management. Usually, managers are in charge of leading organizational change. Nevertheless, how individuals manage change can affect the entire organization or team. In the midst of organizational changes at work, language classes are usually at risk of being removed. In turn, this will affect your language growth.

Be sure to talk to your manager to ensure your online English classes aren’t affected by your changes at work. That way you’ll continue practicing your English.

Managing Your Online English Classes when Organizational Change is Inevitable

There are a few things to keep in mind when managing change so that your language growth won’t be affected.

Don’t miss classes

This is really tough when change happens. Stress and change often lead to a lack of motivation or lack of time. Totally understandable. Making your online English classes a priority will help you stay focused and maintain your language growth.

Keep practicing

Even if you miss a class or two, it doesn’t mean that you should stop practicing your English skills. Continue to read the news in English, or watch your favorite TV series in English too. Remember, practicing English outside of your classes is what helps you grow most.
Maintain the same schedule

If possible, try to keep the same times for your weekly classes. Establishing and maintaining a routine will make it easier for you to keep consistent. Changing your schedule might affect your attendance and ultimately stump your growth.

Surround yourself with English speakers

This is probably the most important way to hone your English language skills. Speaking with native speakers allows you to perfect your pronunciation and expand your vocabulary. Ask your English-speaking friends to correct you whenever possible. Even if you have to miss a class or two due to changes at work, surrounding yourself with English speakers outside of your English classes will help you grow.

English Services Helps You Grow with Online English Classes While Managing Change

At English Services, we understand firsthand how difficult it can be to manage organizational change—we’ve got you covered. When hiring English Services, you’re hiring an experienced training service that’s both flexible and empathetic. Keep us in the loop with your team’s organizational changes and we’ll adjust accordingly. We want you to continue perfecting your language skills regardless of organizational change.

Find out more about our services here.