people-centric cultura centrada en las personas

A People-Centric Organization

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people-centric cultura centrada en las personas

Have you ever felt that you were just a number and that all that mattered were the results of your work? Like a cog in the machine. Luckily for you and those who feel this way, a culture shift is happening at the moment. There has been more emphasis on putting the person behind a role first, as well as their feelings and well-being.

Companies are shifting towards a people-centric culture. But what does it mean?

“I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” Maya Angelou (American poet, memoirist, and civil rights activist)

What Is a People-Centric Culture?

So far, organizations have been mainly skills-centric, focused on the tasks and activities needed to achieve a goal. However, companies are beginning to realize that people are their most valuable asset because they are the heart of the business.

In a people-centric organization, people are at the center of every action and decision. Managers understand the needs of their team members and provide support, safety, and empathy. The well-being and positive experience of their team members should be the focal point. Besides, managers empower their employees’ voice and encourage them to share their vision about the type of organization they want to work in.

49% of employees say that their manager understands their problems and needs (Gartner).

82% of employees feel happier when they receive recognition at work.

69% of employees are prepared to work harder if they receive more recognition.

86% of job hunters avoid companies with a negative reputation.

How to Create a People-Centric Culture

Effective communication is vital: management, HR, and the workforce should communicate regularly and openly. Also, respect is fundamental. To foster healthy and productive relationships, it is vital to show respect and appreciation for the skills and knowledge that other people bring to the table.

Treating others with kindness and compassion goes a long way toward helping to reduce workplace stress and boost happiness and engagement. What is more, if people feel involved and supported, they will thrive.

Emotions play an important role in the decision-making process and in the quality of work. People need to feel comfortable enough to express their emotions at work and admit mistakes, for example. As a manager, you should offer support systems to help the workforce to embrace vulnerability and cope with their emotions. Also, you should show interest in and care for your employee’s physical health and well-being.

By creating a sense of purpose, employees will want to do their best at work. Purpose should be what drives goals and labor and motivates team members.

Finally, learning should be a strategic goal because it is essential to company culture. People are driven by the desire to develop, take on new challenges, to acquire new knowledge or a new skill. Therefore, by providing learning opportunities, you are empowering a people-centric company culture. It is proven that training boosts productivity and improves engagement. An engaged employee is a happy employee.

Language Learning Opportunities for an Engaged Team   

English Services can help you provide learning opportunities to your team so that they feel appreciated and cared for. With our language courses and workshops, team members will learn to communicate effectively in a new language. Additionally, they will acquire new soft skills needed at work, like giving presentations or negotiating in a different language.

Drop us a line now to find out about our corporate language training services.