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How Points of You® Helps You Learn English Better

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Our main objective is to help clients learn English and improve their language skills, as well as their personal and professional development.  In order to do that, we use innovative technology and methodology. So, one of the methods we apply is Points of You®, which we already discussed in this post.

How Does the Points of You® Method help you learn English?

First of all, the cornerstone of this method is the interaction between the left brain and the right brain.  This interaction between the logical part of our brain and the intuitive one is triggered by the association between images and words. Our brain makes connections that help us unleash our creativity and connect with ourselves and the others.

The learning activities based on visual images are very effective, as they stimulate creativity and logical analysis. These activities create a playful atmosphere conducive to learning and exploration. Thus, students learn English words and expressions while considering new aspects of an issue and share their unique reality.

The new perspectives can bring about change, growth, and development. Participants develop tolerance and respect and work in harmony.

“The activities were fantastic! I’d like to congratulate Clari (our facilitator). Everyone was very happy, and it was something different from what we were used to.” Daniela Silva, Nodus Head of People & Culture

How does English Services Apply Points of You® Learning Methods?

We have developed double impact workshops where we deal with different topics, like teamwork or going back to the office. Our goal is to develop soft skills while improving language fluency. The combination of images together with words trigger right brain intuition with left brain logic. The shift of perspective, the different points of view make new significant connections.

This innovative tool promotes personal and professional development and boosts productivity in individuals and teams. Certified bilingual facilitators lead activities that build interest, motivation, and commitment to help our students learn English effortlessly.

Our Points of You® Workshops

Our Points of You® workshops can be facilitated in person, online, or in the metaverse (coming in 2023). They are 60 to 90 minutes long and can accommodate up to ten people. Depending on the company’s needs, we can hold more than one workshop simultaneously. The topics range from conflict resolution to returning to the office in the “new normal”, negotiation skills, or any other topic suggested by the client.

Contact us and find out how English Services can help your team learn English and grow.