Your Online English Classes Can Improve by Practicing Self-Acknowledgment

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Learning a new language is a fulfilling journey. Although difficult at first, once you start practicing and find out what’s most challenging for you, it becomes easier and more exciting. It’s like getting to know someone. You may notice all the great things about another person. They make you smile, laugh, and feel those fuzzy butterflies in your stomach. As time progresses and you really start to get to know someone, you may notice some challenges. Nevertheless, you work around those obstacles. You might begin to acknowledge these things and communicate them to your partner. Acknowledging challenges and how we react to them is easier said than done. Similarly, self-acknowledging our difficulties is something that doesn’t always come easy—especially when taking online English classes.

Why is Self-Acknowledgment Important When taking Online English Classes?

Self-acknowledgment is linked to neuroplasticity, or the capacity for our brain cells to change in response to our behavior. In other words, our brains are constantly changing. The more active we keep our brains, the more we’re able to impact our brain development toward positive paths and improved learning capabilities.

One way we can achieve this growth is through self-acknowledgment. That means acknowledging actions and thoughts through praise or constructive criticism, particularly throughout your learning journey. We can practice self-acknowledgment at work, in our relationships, or everyday life. Let’s see how exactly.

How to Practice Self-Ackowledgment in Your Online English Classes

There are several ways to practice self-acknowledgment when taking online English classes:

1. Introspecetion

Reflecting on your learning abilities allows you to make necessary improvements. For example, you know that grammar is challenging for you but you’re great at vocabulary. Through introspection, you’re able to reflect and acknowledge by saying things like, “I’m great at vocabulary and practice it often. I think I need to focus a lot more on grammar so that I can use all of this vocabulary I’m learning.”

2. Journaling

Documenting certain acknowledgments help us keep track of our progress. You can write things like, “Today I accomplished learning the present perfect and the past simple. Now I need to practice how to differentiate them to make my sentences clearer when writing.” After documenting, we have a clear perspective on what we need to improve. This promotes a narrower scope of our progress.

3. Affirmations

The process of affirming our actions, especially when we do well, is a form of positive self-acknowledgment. Further, stating affirmations help us positively acknowledge our existence. American spiritual teacher and psychologist Ram Dass wrote, “You are loved just for being who you are, just for existing.” This affirmation promotes positive self-acknowledgment. We can apply this method by acknowledging our growth. For example, “I’ve moved up from a B2 level to C1. I’m making much progress and that makes me amazing!”

Self-Acknowledgment When Taking Online English Classes

Acknowledging every step of your learning journey gives you a clear path to where you need improvements. When taking online English classes it’s best to jot down what information is clear to you, and what information you need to practice more.

English Services give you the necessary tools to practice self-acknowledgment when taking our online English classes. Our easy-to-follow mind maps help you self-acknowledge what you’ve learned during your online English classes, and talk to your teacher about what you don’t entirely understand.

Our online English classes include topics regarding emotional intelligence, the future of work, and management and leadership, just to name a few.

Find out more about our online English classes here.

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