Why Is It Vital to Build Resilience?

Imagine this situation: you’re a sales rep with a big pharmaceutical company. One of your clients put in a big order that will get you a healthy commission. You’re excited about it, for sure. However, you inadvertently changed the delivery date to a later date, even though your client needed the products urgently. This mistake […]

What Does Employe Experience Entail?

Do you know the secret to increasing talent attraction and retention rates, engagement, and productivity and decreasing absenteeism? Investing in the employee experience at your company will do the trick. Employee experience is a deciding factor when looking for employment for 77% of job seekers. A healthy work-life balance is vital for 87% of employees. […]

What Is Visual Thinking?

If you are anything like me, you can remember people’s faces but cannot remember their names to save your life. Don’t worry, you are part of the 60-65% percent of the population who are visual thinkers. As a visual thinker, pictures and visualizations help you make sense of the world rather than words. What Is […]

Ignite Your Creative Spark

Do you usually think outside the box and come up with new ways to solve old problems? Then, you sound like a creative person who can put your imagination to good use. But do you sometimes find yourself in a creative rut and can’t tap into your creative side? Like inspiration is gone and ideas […]

Reskilling for the Future

According to a McKinsey Global Survey, 43% of respondents said that they are currently experiencing skill gaps in their organization, and 44% think their companies will face skills gaps in the next five years. The job market is being impacted by the future of work trends like automation, artificial intelligence, and remote work, and some […]

Effective Communication Skills in the Workplace

A sales manager emailed his assistant a sales brochure for an upcoming meeting and asked her to print ten copies. The assistant got the job ready in time for the meeting. When the manager leafed through the brochures, he blew his top. It was the wrong version! The assistant was mortified because she was always […]

Why Does Your Company Need a Culture of Learning?

You may wonder why it is important to foster a culture of learning in your company, when your employees can get the training they need outside office hours. And you’d be surprised to find out that building a culture of learning will help your business in many ways. Let’s find out how! First, you probably […]

The Future of Work Looks Like This

The COVID-19 pandemic caused widespread social and economic disruption, with many people losing their jobs or being furloughed. Prior to that, the workplace had been slowly evolving, but the pandemic accelerated the change. Now, employees and organizations need to take a long, hard look at what the future of work looks like and prepare for […]

Critical Thinking Skills Can Help Your Career and Learning

How do you go about solving a problem? Do you analyze its every aspect and then decide what to do? Or do you toss a coin and leave it to fate? While this method sounds fun, we do not recommend it! Rather, let’s talk about critical thinking skills and how they can help you find […]

Ace Your Job Interview in English!

Your upcoming job interview has your stomach twisted in knots? It is understandable because you want to make a good first impression and get your dream job. Follow these tips to impress your future employer and ace your interview. Do some research on the company If you have a basic understanding of the organization and […]