capacitación en inglés online

Don’t Let Work-Life Imbalance Hamper Your Online English Training

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capacitación en inglés online

Imbalance seems like a constant state nowadays. Nobody knows what normal means anymore, and uncertainty becomes more certain than clarity. On top of that, your work and life balance are totally off the scale. The last thing on your mind right now is worrying about your online English training. Reality hits, however, and you realize you absolutely need your English classes to communicate efficiently at work. What do you do? We’ll talk about ways to find work-life balance so that you can focus on your language training.

How does Work-Life Balance Affect Your English Training?

When you’re focused more on work than you are on your everyday life, you tend to stress more. In turn, stress becomes a burden on your language training. Let’s face it: it’s going to be exceptionally difficult for you to find the motivation to connect with your English teacher if you’re stressed at work. Releasing stress outside of work might be the solution.

Tips to Fix Work-Life Imbalance alongside English Training

There are various ways to find and maintain a work-life balance. Let’s see a few examples:

Log off your work email on your phone

Many people have forgotten about the log-out feature on their email platforms. Try to be logged into your work email account only when you’re at the office or on your work computer. That way, it’ll be impossible for you to stay glued to your emails outside of work hours.

Make plans and put them in your calendar

Have you ever agreed to meet with friends but bailed because you’re too tired from work? If it’s on your calendar, you have to do it! Adding meet-ups to your calendar makes socializing just as important as a work task. That way, you’ll force yourself to socialize. Your friends and family will rejoice! Also, add your online English training to your calendar so that you can prioritize your language growth.

Social media isn’t real life

Dedicating your time outside of work to social media isn’t helping work-life balance—quite the opposite. Try dedicating quality time to doing things outside of work and digital life. Traveling, cooking, arts, and sports are great ways to disconnect and recalibrate your work-life balance. Further, dedicating time to read or watch content in English will help you prioritize English learning.

Take your paid time off

Most full-time positions offer paid time off as a benefit at work. Some companies allow you to cash in the paid time off instead. Don’t. Take a well-deserved holiday instead. Even if you don’t want to travel, take the time to disconnect from work and focus on your well-being. If you don’t have any plans for your paid time off, you can always take an intensive online English training course.

Maintaining Work-Life Balance and English Training Isn’t Easy

Finding a work-life balance is never easy. Just remember, strive to work to live, not the other way around.

At English Services, we have different linguists in various time zones that adjust to your schedule. Our flexibility allows you to maintain a work-life balance and still have time to polish your English skills. We also offer interpretation services for quick language solutions if you simply don’t have time to take weekly classes.

See our services here.