Do you get annoyed when a customer service bot doesn’t understand what you’re trying to ask? Well, now it is possible to converse with a bot in a natural way. How so? With ChatGPT (Chat Generative Pre-trained Transformer), a software application created b ...
Pros and Cons of the Remote Work Model
Many things have changed in the last couple of years, like the way people socialize, travel, and work. Some changes were temporary and lasted for as long as the COVID-19 pandemic did. However, some changes have become permanent, like the remote work model ...
What Is Social Learning?
Do you know anything about social learning? You may have never heard the term, but you sure experienced it at some point. In a nutshell, it’s learning that takes place within a social context. Likewise, it is the sharing of information and knowledge in a ...
What Successful Online Training Looks Like
The worldwide online learning market has grown exponentially ever since the COVID-19 pandemic started in 2020. It reached 315 billion US dollars in 2021 and is projected to continue growing, with a 20% annual growth until 2028 at least. Online learning ha ...